Big Blue. It's going to be tough to say goodbye, and the end is near. We only have four to six weeks left with something that has really become a part of our family.
Big Blue is not a human. It's not an animal, a pet. It's not something that's even living.
Big Blue is our gigantic blue leather sectional.
We've had nearly fourteen great years with this piece, and now it's time to say goodbye.
If you've known us for any of the last fourteen years, you will remember this staple in every place we've lived. Big Blue was a completely random event of how it came to be. Josh and I weren't even married yet, and we still had a college futon that we were claiming as our entertainment sofa piece. When a co-worker of mine said they were moving and needed to get rid of a few things that would not work in their new place, I piped up and immediately asked if there was a couch available. Why yes, there was. This was a custom piece and supposedly quite expensive, and because of it's enormous size, it was not going to fit with the move. I remember the conversation quite clearly.
"Oh," I said. "I will gladly take it off your hands."
I hadn't seen a picture, had no idea of the size, but I knew we needed to step up into something that was a notch above a futon.
He said, "if you can pick it up from my place, it's yours."
"How much do you want for it?"
"Nothing. If you can haul it away, I don't want anything for it."
We picked up Big Blue that weekend and immediately felt like adults. We weren't yet married, but engaged. No kids to speak of yet. We were growing up. And, the couch grew up with us.
It is sad to say goodbye - yes, it's a couch, I know that. It's seen much better days and lived a full life. But, it's been around for so many life events. With that, an ode to Big Blue and all of its memories:
Napping on Sunday (pre-kids) after having mid-day drinks.
Just plain napping.
Sometimes a toy, the cat used it as a scratching post.
Acquiring the perfect corner comfy spot was always a fight with others.
Deep in the cracks, hidden treasures were found months after they were lost.
Lived in four of our rentals/purchased homes.
Post kids, the couch was used as a gymnastics pad for tumbling. And a few times, I did see jumping off the side into the deep cushions.
Anything that could be spilled on it has been. Upside down milk bottles and sippy cups most often. Big Blue would often smell of sour milk in the early kid days.
Big Blue was always there when you wanted a comfy spot.
Loads of company, Big Blue always had room for about seven people.
Oh, and let's not forget about the moment when my water broke on Big Blue when I was pregnant with Olivia.
Sad to see it go, but looking forward to new memories on this bad boy:
With four to six weeks left, I am pretty certain we will make the most of our time left. And, guess what, everyone actually gave the new one a thumb's up. We are so excited for our new addition.